Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Aurora Cycle Book 3: Aurora's End by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Aurora's End (The Aurora Cycle, #3)
Aurora Cycle Book 3

The squad you love is out of time. Prepare for the thrilling finale in the epic, best-selling Aurora Cycle series about a band of unlikely heroes who just might be the galaxy's last hope for survival.

Is this the end?
What happens when you ask a bunch of losers, discipline cases, and misfits to save the galaxy from an ancient evil? The ancient evil wins, of course.
Wait. . . . Not. So. Fast.
When we last saw Squad 312, they working together seamlessly (aka, freaking out) as an intergalactic battle raged and an ancient superweapon threatened to obliterate Earth. Everything went horribly wrong, naturally.
But as it turns out, not all endings are endings, and the te4am has one last chance to rewrite thirs. Maybe two. It's complicated.
Cue Zila, Fin, and Scarlett (and MAGELLAN!): making friends, making enemies, and making history? Sure, no problem
Cue Tyler, Kal, and Auri: uniting with two of the galaxy’s most hated villains? Um, okay. That, too.
Actually saving the galaxy, though?
Now that will take a miracle.



My Review: 5/5 Stars 

An amazing end to an incredible trilogy! What a way to end this series. And shout out to the fact that the book started with what was basically a "previously on" to catch you up on where our heroes were when we left off. Because I was struggling to remember everything that happened in the last book, but thanks to that catch up, everything came back. So this story. So much happens. And sorry bout a few spoilers coming just to explain what exactly is going on with our heroes. So first off, Fin, Scarlet. and Zila. When they were hit at the end of the previous book they were sent... to the past! Yes, the past. And their goal now is to get back to the future...among other things. Such as being sort of stuck in a time loop. Yeah, things get very complicated for them. But with it comes some incredible revelations on everything that has happened to them. Then there is Tyler. He is is present day and he isn't having the best time. Saedii may have saved his life but now they have to split up. Tyler keeps getting visions and with them comes an important message. Save Aurora Academy. Something is about to go down and he is the only one who can stop it. But how can he when he is the most wanted fugitive? And his team is scattered. Then there is Aurora and Kal. They were sent to the future! And it isn't one they want to come true. Now they, along with their enemy, Kal's dad, have to find a way back to the present. Because they can save the future from the horrible results. So like I said a lot happens. And all of it fantastic. I personally loved Fin, Scarlet, and Zila's storyline. They were my favorites from this book in particular. And their adventure revealed so much. Another thing I loved was all the blossoming relationships! Cheering for all of them throughout the book. This entire book and this entire series was done so so well. Every little piece coming together. And when it comes to time travel that is never easy to do. Yet, this was done excellently. So sad this series was over. Definitely a favorite of mine!

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