Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Aurora Cycle Book 3: Aurora's End by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Aurora's End (The Aurora Cycle, #3)
Aurora Cycle Book 3

The squad you love is out of time. Prepare for the thrilling finale in the epic, best-selling Aurora Cycle series about a band of unlikely heroes who just might be the galaxy's last hope for survival.

Is this the end?
What happens when you ask a bunch of losers, discipline cases, and misfits to save the galaxy from an ancient evil? The ancient evil wins, of course.
Wait. . . . Not. So. Fast.
When we last saw Squad 312, they working together seamlessly (aka, freaking out) as an intergalactic battle raged and an ancient superweapon threatened to obliterate Earth. Everything went horribly wrong, naturally.
But as it turns out, not all endings are endings, and the te4am has one last chance to rewrite thirs. Maybe two. It's complicated.
Cue Zila, Fin, and Scarlett (and MAGELLAN!): making friends, making enemies, and making history? Sure, no problem
Cue Tyler, Kal, and Auri: uniting with two of the galaxy’s most hated villains? Um, okay. That, too.
Actually saving the galaxy, though?
Now that will take a miracle.



My Review: 5/5 Stars 

An amazing end to an incredible trilogy! What a way to end this series. And shout out to the fact that the book started with what was basically a "previously on" to catch you up on where our heroes were when we left off. Because I was struggling to remember everything that happened in the last book, but thanks to that catch up, everything came back. So this story. So much happens. And sorry bout a few spoilers coming just to explain what exactly is going on with our heroes. So first off, Fin, Scarlet. and Zila. When they were hit at the end of the previous book they were sent... to the past! Yes, the past. And their goal now is to get back to the future...among other things. Such as being sort of stuck in a time loop. Yeah, things get very complicated for them. But with it comes some incredible revelations on everything that has happened to them. Then there is Tyler. He is is present day and he isn't having the best time. Saedii may have saved his life but now they have to split up. Tyler keeps getting visions and with them comes an important message. Save Aurora Academy. Something is about to go down and he is the only one who can stop it. But how can he when he is the most wanted fugitive? And his team is scattered. Then there is Aurora and Kal. They were sent to the future! And it isn't one they want to come true. Now they, along with their enemy, Kal's dad, have to find a way back to the present. Because they can save the future from the horrible results. So like I said a lot happens. And all of it fantastic. I personally loved Fin, Scarlet, and Zila's storyline. They were my favorites from this book in particular. And their adventure revealed so much. Another thing I loved was all the blossoming relationships! Cheering for all of them throughout the book. This entire book and this entire series was done so so well. Every little piece coming together. And when it comes to time travel that is never easy to do. Yet, this was done excellently. So sad this series was over. Definitely a favorite of mine!

Out Today! Ignite by Melanie Harlow

Cloverleigh Farms Book 6

My new neighbor is a firefighter—and a scorching hot single dad—but I swear I didn’t set off that smoke alarm on purpose.

Ignite, an all-new smoking hot, single dad romantic comedy from USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling author Melanie Harlow, is available now!

My new neighbor is a firefighter—and a scorching hot single dad—but I swear I didn’t set off that smoke alarm on purpose.

(And I was beyond mortified when he rushed in and saw me naked.)

Nothing happened, of course—because I, Winnie MacAllister, romance junkie and owner of a constantly broken heart, have sworn off men for one solid year. 

Even protective men with chiseled jaws, bulging biceps, and deep brown eyes that make my breath come faster. Even former SEALs with broad chests and strong hands that make my skin sizzle. Even gorgeous, grumpy guys who have their hands full raising two adorable little girls and claim they don’t believe in love. 

Until Dex kisses me one night, and I drop all my defenses.

(Also my underwear.)

He says he’s not gentle, and he’s right. He says I should take the dream job I’m offered in another state, and he’s right. He says he’s too old for me and could never be the man I deserve.

He’s wrong.

Dex and I might be twelve years apart, but the fire between us is the kind that will never burn out. 

How can I convince him to give happily-ever-after with me a chance?

Fall in love with Winnie and Dex for ZERO PENNIES in Kindle Unlimited today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kePkO0
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/IgniteHarlow

Audio Coming Soon, narrated by Stephen Dexter & Kirsten Leigh


She looked a little nervous, not that I blamed her, as she held out a small pink box of Band-Aids. “I had these lying around and thought Luna might want them for her knee. Band-Aids sometimes come off in the shower, so . . .” 
I reached out and took them from her, noticing she was careful not to let our fingers touch this time. “Thanks.” 
“That’s it—I just wanted to—um, okay, have a good night.” She turned to leave, and I probably should have let her.
“Wait a second.” 
She faced me again, her expression still wary. 
“I’m sorry about that.” I gestured over my shoulder with the pink box. “My ex-wife—the girls’ mom—knows how to get a rise out of me.” 
“Oh, that’s okay. It’s none of my business, and I didn’t really hear anything.” It was obvious she’d heard everything. 
I nodded slowly. “Well, thanks for the Band-Aids. Luna will appreciate it.”
 Her smile was back, along with that stutter in my chest. “Good. Enjoy your night.” 
“You too.” 
She turned around and went down the steps, cutting across the lawn to her place with that same youthful bounce in her step. Glancing down at the box, I shook my head—of course she had a whole thing of pink princess Band-Aids. I shut the door and trudged up the stairs to get the kids cleaned up. 
Hallie went first, after a brief attempt to get me to let her wear socks in the shower. As usual, I refused, explaining again that the entire house had been thoroughly cleaned before we moved in, and I’d been here yesterday to make sure of it. 
While she was getting dressed, I made sure Luna washed her hair and used soap, then helped her get dried off. After hanging up their towels, I double-checked that they’d chosen appropriate clothing and was just about to get in my own shower when I heard a series of high-pitched beeps. 
“What’s that?” Hallie said, scrunching up her face. 
Instantly on high alert, I put my hand up. “Shh.” I heard it again, and recognized it as a smoke detector going off, but not in our house—we were hearing it through the walls. “Stay here.” 
I raced out of their room and took the stairs down three at a time, jumping to the bottom with five to go. Barreling out my front door, I ran over to Winnie’s and knocked. The alarm was clearly coming from inside her unit, and when she didn’t answer the door, I made a split-second decision to bust in. 
Fortunately, the door wasn’t locked. 
I shouldered it open, relieved when I didn’t see or smell smoke right away. Winnie’s townhouse was laid out exactly like mine, and I immediately realized the detector going off was upstairs. Racing up the steps three at a time, I reached the master bedroom doorway just in time to see Winnie climbing onto a suitcase, one hand reaching toward the ceiling to disconnect the unit. 
My jaw dropped. 
She was totally naked and dripping wet.
One hand was clutching a small towel to her chest that didn’t fucking hide anything . Behind her, steam from her shower billowed from her bathroom, which must have been what set off the alarm—some detectors are that sensitive. Behind me, I heard clamoring on the stairs, and a second later both Hallie and Luna rushed into the bedroom. 
Startled, Winnie looked over and saw us. Her eyes went wide as she screamed, lost her footing, and toppled backward off the suitcase. She landed hard on her ass, arms and legs flailing like a rag doll. 
Averting my eyes, I strode over and disconnected the unit while she scrambled toward the bathroom on her hands and knees, presumably in search of a bigger towel. 
But then she slammed the door . . . and didn’t come out. 
The eighty-five decibel alarm had ceased, but the sirens in my head continued.
I looked at the girls. Luna had her hands over her mouth. Hallie’s eyes were wide, and she pointed to the bathroom door. “Winnie was naked,” she whispered. “We saw her bum.” 
“Quiet,” I scolded angrily. “You two were supposed to stay at our house. You didn’t follow my orders.” 
“But Daddy, we were scared,” Luna said. Her hair was still wet and tangled. “We came to find you.”
“We’ll talk about it later, but when I tell you to stay put, you stay put-especially in an emergency. Understand?” 
They nodded. 
“Now go back to our house, both of you.”
“But what about Winnie? Is she okay?”
I went over to the bathroom door and knocked, trying not to picture her naked. The shower wasn’t running anymore. “Winnie? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine!” 
“Are you hurt?”
 “I’m fine!” she repeated in the same false, bright tone.
 A tiny smile inched onto my lips. “Are you sure?” 

About Melanie Harlow
USA Today bestselling author Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she's not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like Ted, Lasso, Schitt’s Creek, and Fleabag. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak.

Melanie is the author of the BELLAMY CREEK series, the CLOVERLEIGH FARMS series, the ONE & ONLY series, AFTER WE FALL series, the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, and the FRENCHED series. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit.

Connect with Melanie
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2RPwr51
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1NPkYKs
Bookbub: http://bit.ly/36kL7yB
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2NW3UtA
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2sVOz55
Facebook Reader Group: https://bit.ly/3mYzBBo
Stay up to date, sign up for Melanie’s mailing list: http://bit.ly/2P7MATT
Website: www.melanieharlow.com  

Check Out My Review Here:



Friday, November 19, 2021

Cloverleigh Farms Book 6: Ignite by Melanie Harlow

Cloverleigh Farms Book 6

My new neighbor is a firefighter—and a scorching hot single dad—but I swear I didn’t set off that smoke alarm on purpose.

(And I was beyond mortified when he rushed in and saw me naked.)

Nothing happened, of course—because I, Winnie MacAllister, romance junkie and owner of a constantly broken heart, have sworn off men for one solid year.

Even protective men with chiseled jaws, bulging biceps, and deep brown eyes that make my breath come faster. Even former SEALs with broad chests and strong hands that make my skin sizzle. Even gorgeous, grumpy guys who have their hands full raising two adorable little girls and claim they don’t believe in love.

Until Dex kisses me one night, and I drop all my defenses.

(Also my underwear.)

He says he’s not gentle, and he’s right. He says I should take the dream job I’m offered in another state, and he’s right. He says he’s too old for me and could never be the man I deserve.

He’s wrong.

Dex and I might be twelve years apart, but the fire between us is the kind that will never burn out.

How can I convince him to give happily-ever-after with me a chance?



My Review: 5/5 Stars

The future generation of Cloverleigh Farms begins! We jump many years later to the kids's stories of the original couples we loved in the previous Cloverleigh Farms books. Now they are adults and it is time for them to get their own happily ever afters. Starting with Winnie. The daughter of Mack and Frannie from the very first Cloverleigh Farms books. Winnie is a bit of a romantic. Okay, a big romantic. She falls in love fast and deep. And always gets her heart broken in the end. But not this time. She won't allow herself to fall. She made a bet with her best friend Ellie that she wouldn't fall in love for the next six months. This is her time. That is until the new neighbor moves in next door...and not just any neighbor. A sexy fireman with two adorable little girls. How can she resist the slightly older single dad who looks at her like she is the most beautiful woman in the world? Turns out, she kind of can't. However, that won't stop her from trying to keep what they have between them casual. For now. Meanwhile, Dex has sworn off happily ever afters. His marriage ended in divorce and though they are pretty civil with one another, he know she is better off alone. His two daughters are more than enough. And he has guarded his heart for so long, no way will he let is reopen. Not even for Winnie. Beautiful, young Winnie or makes him feel like he is back in his 20s and not his 30s. Who adores and treats his daughters so well. But he won't hold her back. Not when she has been offered her dream job in another state. Not when she deserves more than him. But how long will it take for both of their defenses to truly fall? Loved their story! So fun being back in this world with the next generation. So many cameos from favorite characters. And getting to know Winnie as a young woman after seeing her as a kid was so great! Plus her and Dex's chemistry was fantastic! You'll love their connection and their love story. Can't wait to read more from this series!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Black Dagger Brotherhood Prison Camp Book 2: The Wolf by J.R. Ward

The Wolf (Black Dagger Brotherhood: Prison Camp, #2)
BDB Prison Camp Book 2

Return to the sizzling glymera’s prison camp in this dark and sexy second novel in the new Black Dagger Brotherhood Prison Camp spin-off series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward.

In the next installment of bestselling author J.R. Ward’s Prison Camp series, things get steamy when Lucan, a wolven forced into bartering drug deals for the infamous Prison Colony, meets Rio, the second in command for the shadowy Caldwell supplier, Mozart. After a deal goes awry, a wolf with piercing golden eyes swoops in to save her from certain death. As shocking truths unfurl, Rio is uncertain of who to trust and what to believe—but with her life on the line, true love rears its head and growls in the face of danger.



My Review: 5/5 Stars 

It's always fun diving back into this world and I was definitely excited for this particular storyline involving the prison camp. This time we get Lucan's story. The wolven who was thrown in the prison by his pack because he was half wolven and half vampire. After the previous prison camp story, the prisoners of the prison were moved to a new location. A location the Black Dagger Brotherhood are working hard on trying to find. Lucan's particular job at the prison was being a drug dealer. He is the one sent to Caldwell to do the deals and make money for the prison. And as much as he wishes he can walk away, he can't. Not when those he cares for (don't listen to his denials) are still in danger. Specifically one friend (again ignore all of their denials for being brothers/friends). So he'll do what he can to make sure they survive. What he doesn't expect is Rio. Rio has been an undercover cop for over a year. She is super close to get the evidence to close this case. She meets her contact Luke and everything blows up in her face. Her identity is compromised and now she has to do what she does best: survive. But she won't be alone. Not with Lucan watching out for her. They'll have to work together if they want to make it out alive. We also get some of Vishous's point of view as he leads the charge with Rhage to find the prison. Among other things at least. Really liked this one! And I need the next one stat! There are still some prisoners left who's stories I definitely need. I wonder who will be next! 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Shatter Me Series Book 6.5: Believe Me by Tahereh Mafi

Believe Me (Shatter Me, #6.5)
Shatter Me Book 6.5

The devastatingly romantic fifth novella in the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Shatter Me series, chronicling the events after Imagine Me, the explosive sixth novel.

Juliette and Warner fought hard to take down the Reestablishment once and for all. Life in the aftermath isn’t easy, as they and their friends at the Sanctuary work with their limited resources to stabilize the world.

Warner has his sights set on more than just politics. Since he proposed to Juliette two weeks ago, he’s been eager to finally marry her, the person he loves more than anything and has endured so much to be with. But with so much chaos around them, it’s been nearly impossible for them to have a wedding. And even Juliette has been distracted by everything they need to do.

At long last, Warner and Juliette’s future together is within reach, but the world continues to try to pull them apart. Will they finally be able to be happily, officially, together?

Celebrate the tenth anniversary of Tahereh Mafi's bestselling Shatter Me series with Believe Me!



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Finally! It feels like we have been waiting a long time for this book. When we reached the end of the series with Imagine Me, not going to lie, I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to actually see Juliette/Ella and Warner's wedding. But we've finally do! A long time coming for this series. And the best part is that it is in Warner's point of view. Warner is definitely favorite of mine. You can't help but love the guy after knowing and understanding every single thing he has been through. Why he is the way he is. And my heart always goes to him when you see that still Juliette is probably the only one who truly gets him. Why he acts the way he does. Come on everyone, the guy is an empath who drowns in everyone's emotions at all times. Forgive him for being a bit cranky at the time. Though by the end of this story, I think some are starting to get what is going on in his head just a tiny bit. Anyway! This story was such a sweet way to truly tie up the series. Warner and Juliette finally get a chance to have their wedding. Though of course, it wouldn't be them without a few things standing in their way of the big day. Lot of fun and beautiful moments. And that peek at the future of the world they worked hard to fight for and rebuild. This was just a really satisfying story after the emotional rollercoaster that was this series. Definitely worth checking out if you love the series!

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Four Horsemen Book 4: Death by Laura Thalassa

Death (The Four Horsemen, #4)
The Four Horsemen Book 4

They came to earth--Pestilence, War, Famine, Death--four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

He’s known by many names: Thanatos. Horseman. God’s last angel. And then, of course, there's the one I’m all too familiar with—


The day Death comes to Lazarus Gaumond’s town and kills everyone in one fell swoop, the last thing he expects to see is a woman left alive and standing. But Lazarus has her own extraordinary gift: she cannot be killed—not by humans, not by the elements, not by Death himself.

She is the one soul Death doesn’t recognize. The one soul he cannot pry free from her flesh. Nor can he ignore the unsettling desire he has for her. Take her. He wants to, desperately. And the longer she tries to stop him from his killing spree, the stronger the desire becomes.

When Lazarus crosses paths with the three other horsemen, an unthinkable situation leads to a terrible deal: seduce Death, save the world. A hopeless task, made all the worse by the bad blood between her and Thanatos. But Death’s attraction to her is undeniable, and try though she might, Lazarus cannot stay away from that ancient, beautiful being and his dark embrace.

The end is here. Humankind is set to perish, and not even the horsemen can stop Death from fulfilling his final task.

Only Lazarus can.



My Review: 5/5 Stars 

Finally! We get Death's story and it was a pretty crazy and a great conclusion to this series. I have to say that Death/Thanatos was always my favorite character throughout the series. Each time he made an appearance I just loved him more and I couldn't wait until we got his book. He surprised me at the end of Famine's story however, I still wanted to know his story. And he was the most surprising and complicated character of all. When it comes to Thanatos he has the hardest job of all and no one truly realizes his feelings about the situation. He is torn between duty and love. We've seen Death spare and help his brothers but when it comes to his time, he just can't bring himself to do the same. To others he may seem like he enjoys the deaths his presence brings. But he doesn't. He is probably the most sympathetic toward humanity, however, his sense of duty is just as strong. He knows his purpose and has never failed to follow orders. So what will it take to change him? Truth is, a lot. Even meeting and falling for Lazarus isn't quite enough. Lazarus's own story is intriguing as well. And she is another fated to one of these horsemen. Likes her namesake, she can't exactly die. Each injury and each death brings her right back to life. Not even Death himself can take her. Like previous books the horsemen and the woman they fall for will fight and even aim to kill the other. But it can only go so far. For Lazarus, she has seen so many deaths. Her family. She wants to stop Death more than anything and she'll do whatever it takes. Even teaming up with Death's brothers. Thanatos and Lazarus were fantastic together. Truly the definition of Life and Death. And how those two things go hand in hand. One cannot be without the other. The story took a lot of surprising twists and turns. And it was all really great. I couldn't put the book down. Just when you thought one thing would happen something else did. A really great and satisfying conclusion to this series!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Cover Reveal! Ignite by Melanie Harlow

Ignite, an all new sexy-as-sin single dad, age gap, small town romance from USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling author Melanie Harlow is coming November 22nd, and we have the five alarm cover!

My new neighbor is a firefighter—and a scorching hot single dad—but I swear I didn’t set off that smoke alarm on purpose.

(And I was beyond mortified when he rushed in and saw me naked.)

Nothing happened, of course—because I, Winnie MacAllister, romance junkie and owner of a constantly broken heart, have sworn off men for one solid year. 

Even protective men with chiseled jaws, bulging biceps, and deep brown eyes that make my breath come faster. Even former SEALs with broad chests and strong hands that make my skin sizzle. Even gorgeous, grumpy guys who have their hands full raising two adorable little girls and claim they don’t believe in love. 

Until Dex kisses me one night, and I drop all my defenses.

(Also my underwear.)

He says he’s not gentle, and he’s right. He says I should take the dream job I’m offered in another state, and he’s right. He says he’s too old for me and could never be the man I deserve.

He’s wrong.

Dex and I might be twelve years apart, but the fire between us is the kind that will never burn out. 

How can I convince him to give happily-ever-after with me a chance?

Reserve your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kePkO0
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/IgniteHarlow

Audio Coming Soon, narrated by Stephen Dexter & Kirsten Leigh

Cover Designer: Hang Le @byhangle
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster @lanefotograf
Model: Andrew Biernat @andrew.biernat

Read Chapter One: https://www.melanieharlow.com/ignite-chapter-one/

About Melanie Harlow

USA Today bestselling author Melanie Harlow likes her martinis dry, her heels high, and her history with the naughty bits left in. When she's not writing or reading, she gets her kicks from TV series like Ted, Lasso, Schitt’s Creek, and Fleabag. She occasionally runs three miles, but only so she can have more gin and steak.

Melanie is the author of the BELLAMY CREEK series, the CLOVERLEIGH FARMS series, the ONE & ONLY series, AFTER WE FALL series, the HAPPY CRAZY LOVE series, and the FRENCHED series. She lifts her glass to romance readers and writers from her home near Detroit, MI, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and pet rabbit.

Connect with Melanie

Facebook: http://bit.ly/2RPwr51
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1NPkYKs
Bookbub: http://bit.ly/36kL7yB
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2NW3UtA
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2sVOz55
Facebook Reader Group: https://bit.ly/3mYzBBo
Stay up to date, sign up for Melanie’s mailing list: http://bit.ly/2P7MATT
Website: www.melanieharlow.com 


Monday, November 1, 2021

Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan

Daughter of the Deep

New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan pays homage to Jules Verne in his exciting modern take on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Ana Dakkar is a freshman at Harding-Pencroft Academy, a five-year high school that graduates the best marine scientists, naval warriors, navigators, and underwater explorers in the world. Ana's parents died while on a scientific expedition two years ago, and the only family's she's got left is her older brother, Dev, also a student at HP. Ana's freshman year culminates with the class's weekend trial at sea, the details of which have been kept secret. She only hopes she has what it'll take to succeed. All her worries are blown out of the water when, on the bus ride to the ship, Ana and her schoolmates witness a terrible tragedy that will change the trajectory of their lives.

But wait, there's more. The professor accompanying them informs Ana that their rival school, Land Institute, and Harding-Pencroft have been fighting a cold war for a hundred and fifty years. Now that cold war has been turned up to a full broil, and the freshman are in danger of becoming fish food. In a race against deadly enemies, Ana will make amazing friends and astounding discoveries about her heritage as she puts her leadership skills to the test for the first time.



My Review: 5/5 Stars 

This book was amazing! No surprise since it was Rick Riordan, but still so good! And I wish there was more. There is so many possibilities with this story I hate to see it end here. Maybe it won't be, but for now it's alone. So this story follows Ana Dakkar. A freshman at Harding-Pencrodt Academy where the school produces the graduates of anything that deals with the ocean. The academy is broken up into four groups based on your study. The story begins with Ana and her fellow freshmen heading away from school for the weekend for their trials that will determine if they will move on to sophomore year. However, as they leave the school, an earthquake occurs but it isn't exactly normal. Ana and her friends turn around and face the horror of their beloved school breaking from the cliff it stood on and into the sea. Their friends, family, teachers, gone. And it wasn't an accident. Their rival school, Land Institute, opened fired on them and they are after Ana next. Things only take off from there. Secrets are revealed about HP Academy and what their trials meant. Secrets about Ana's family. Ana and her older brother Dev were orphans after their parents died two years earlier on a mission for HP, but there was more to the accident than Ana knew or realized. Everyone in this story will have to step up in their roles and try to survive. With so much on the line it will take everything they have. The story is inspired by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in so, so many ways. Their world is built off of it but answering the question of, what if it was real? Riordan may warn you himself and even through Ana what a difficult book that classic was but after reading this story I have to say I'm kind of interested in giving it a try. The adventure, the characters, and the endless plot twists kept me from putting this book down. You will not be disappointed in Rick's attempt to bring another myth or retelling to life. Loved it! And definitely wish there was more.