Monday, September 27, 2021

Moo U Hockey Book 11: Boyfriend by Sarina Bowen

Moo U Hockey Book 11

A new hockey player to steal your heart this fall...

The dreamiest player on the Moo U hockey team hangs a flyer on the bulletin board, and I am spellbound:

Rent a boyfriend for the holiday. For $25, I will be your Thanksgiving date. I will talk hockey with your dad. I will bring your mother flowers. I will be polite, and wear a nicely ironed shirt…

Everyone knows it’s a bad idea to introduce your long-time crush to your messed-up family. But I really do need a date for Thanksgiving, even if I’m not willing to say why. So I tear his phone number off of that flyer… and accidentally entangle our star defenseman in a ruse that neither of us can easily unwind.

Who knew that Weston's family was even nuttier than mine? He needs a date, too, for the most uncomfortable holiday engagement party ever thrown.

There will be hors d'oeuvre. There will be faked PDA. And there will be pro-level awkwardness…

Boyfriend is a full-length book for Weston and Abbi!


My Review: 5/5 Stars

When Moo U Hockey series ended, I was so glad to hear that Weston and Abbi were getting a full-length novel! For those who have been with the series from the beginning, Weston and Abbi had a novella that kicked off the Moo U Hockey world. Their story was short and sweet. The beginnings of their potential relationship. But now we get the full story. That novella was in this book, but a lot more information was added and it continued past where that novella left off. And I gotta say, I'm super glad it did! Weston and Abbi are such great characters and when we first met them I definitely wanted to know more. So Abbi is a waitress at a popular wing place the hockey team goes to a lot. She has always had a crush on Weston but he is known as being a guy that is basically allergic to relationships. Plus with her intense work and school hours, Abbi really has never had time to do anything fun. She has to work hard to finish off school and get a job so that she can afford to live on her own. Her own family is her step-father and his new wife and the creepy step-step brother. Her mom died a few years earlier and she never knew her dad. But when Weston posts an ad about offering to be a fake boyfriend for someone on Thanksgiving, she takes it. Not just because of her crush for Weston, but she needs a buffer against the jerk step-step brother. Weston has been avoiding his own home for holidays since his parents split. The anger there is just not worth it and has made him sworn off relationships. But when Abbi messages him with an offer for Thanksgiving, he takes it. And he is glad because he realizes Abbi is the attractive waitress he likes. Their fake relationship turns to real friendship over time. To the point where Weston asks Abbi to be his fake date for Christmas. Eventually the two realize they could have something a bit more real. But the official relationship? Well, it'll take a bit before the two of them will admit they want something more. Loved their story! I couldn't put it down. Their chemistry was fantastic. The humor as always is great in Sarina's books and you just can't help but love the characters she creates. Such a great addition to this series. And again, so glad she gave them a full story!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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