Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Witches of the Island Book 2: A Stormy and Sultry Sea by Katie McGarry

Witches of the Island Book 2

A witch and a Fae aren’t supposed to fall in love, nonetheless be soulmates…

New witch and midwife Cassie Strega helped a human mother through the tumultuous birth of the queen of the demons, and now Cassie and the baby have been kidnapped by one of the four demon princes fighting each other to lay claim to their new queen. Cassie hopes she can appeal to the human side of the child in order to save humanity, but as the child feeds upon her soul, Cassie must also battle the four demon-prince-uncles who intend for the infant to fulfill her dark destiny.

The love of Cassie’s life, the sultry Fae warrior and heir to the Fae kingdom, Orion, is still searching for the Fae queen he’s been tasked to find, but he is also desperate to save Cassie from his archenemies. He is torn between his heart and his duty, but if he doesn’t save Cassie by Beltane, the blood bond that connects Cassie to Orion will forever be severed and she will be marked as an enemy to the Fae—one he is sworn by oath to kill.

Fate was cruel when it linked Cassie and Orion together. Their attraction to each other is undeniable, their love assured, but these fated lovers are doomed by a curse that threatens to keep them apart. Every touch during every shared dream, every kiss during every cherished moment together is driving them closer to what will either be a victory of humanity or an end no mortal will be able to survive. Will love, in the end, truly conquer all or will it destroy them all?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

This series just keeps getting better! So I thought this was the last book in the series but at the end of the book I learned there will be a third and final book, so the story isn't quite over just yet! And with an ending like that, there is definitely a lot still left to unravel. So this story takes place right where book one ended for the most part. Cassie and Wren are with the newborn demon queen and a demon prince. The more time she spends with the baby, the more she believes that the baby can be raised in love and won't be what everyone fears. Meanwhile, Orion is desperately searching for Cassie after watching her disappear. Cassie and Orion are working hard to get back to one another but for Cassie, she knows she must be careful and figure out a way to convince Orion that there could be another solution for the fate of the demon queen. And for Orion, it is trying to balance the demands of the Council and finding Cassie. Everything will change for them in this story. They still need to find the fae queen and one top of that witches are missing. It will take everyone working together and finally allowing trust between them to create a better future. So holy bananas on the plot twists in this story. Just when you figure out one thing, something else happens. So much happened and I couldn't put the book down. I was desperate to know how everything would play out. Could Cassie and Orion find one another again? Will they have their future? Or will the visions of Orion's death be true? Will Cassie find the fae queen and protect the demon queen? So much is happening!! Cannot wait for the next book. Major cliffhangers and I just can't wait to see how the story unfolds.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.  

Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

Once Upon a Broken Heart (Once Upon a Broken Heart, #1)

Evangeline Fox was raised in her beloved father’s curiosity shop, where she grew up on legends about immortals, like the tragic Prince of Hearts. She knows his powers are mythic, his kiss is worth dying for, and that bargains with him rarely end well.

But when Evangeline learns that the love of her life is about to marry another, she becomes desperate enough to offer the Prince of Hearts whatever he wants in exchange for his help to stop the wedding. The prince only asks for three kisses. But after Evangeline’s first promised kiss, she learns that the Prince of Hearts wants far more from her than she’s pledged. And he has plans for Evangeline that will either end in the greatest happily ever after, or the most exquisite tragedy…

A new series about love, curses, and the lengths that people will go to for happily ever after.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

So despite it being said you can read this as a standalone, I highly recommend reading the Caraval series before diving into Once Upon a Broken Heart for several reasons. It's set in the same world, takes place after Finale, characters from the first series are mentioned and seen, and one of the main characters was a big character in the last series. Plus, it will help better understand the world and especially the Fates. You'll appreciate it much more reading the Caraval series first! With that said, I loved this story. We are introduced to a new character, Evangeline. When Evangeline lost her last living parent, her heart was close to breaking but when she finds someone to love it is more than she could ever want. That is until the day it is announced that the love her life is to marry her stepsister. Strongly believing that her beloved is cursed, she goes to pray to the one Fate who could help her: Jacks, the Prince of Hearts. She ends up making a deal with him. A deal that will change everything. In a series of unexpected twists and turns, nothing is how she thought it would be. Then next thing she knows she is off to the North where she will meets Jacks once more. For his grand plan for her isn't quite over just yet. I love this author and this world. The constant plot twists and mysteries behind each person leaves you unable to put the book down. You want to figure out the riddles and who is telling the truth and who is lying and who is the real villain of the story. I especially love Jacks in this story because he is such a wild card. You don't know his true motives or feelings. Has he changed? Can he even be changed? Or he is stuck as he is with no hope? You want to trust him but can you actually? So much goes on in this story and it's definitely not over with a cliffhanger ending like that! I can't wait to see where this story goes. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Moo U Hockey Book 11: Boyfriend by Sarina Bowen

Moo U Hockey Book 11

A new hockey player to steal your heart this fall...

The dreamiest player on the Moo U hockey team hangs a flyer on the bulletin board, and I am spellbound:

Rent a boyfriend for the holiday. For $25, I will be your Thanksgiving date. I will talk hockey with your dad. I will bring your mother flowers. I will be polite, and wear a nicely ironed shirt…

Everyone knows it’s a bad idea to introduce your long-time crush to your messed-up family. But I really do need a date for Thanksgiving, even if I’m not willing to say why. So I tear his phone number off of that flyer… and accidentally entangle our star defenseman in a ruse that neither of us can easily unwind.

Who knew that Weston's family was even nuttier than mine? He needs a date, too, for the most uncomfortable holiday engagement party ever thrown.

There will be hors d'oeuvre. There will be faked PDA. And there will be pro-level awkwardness…

Boyfriend is a full-length book for Weston and Abbi!


My Review: 5/5 Stars

When Moo U Hockey series ended, I was so glad to hear that Weston and Abbi were getting a full-length novel! For those who have been with the series from the beginning, Weston and Abbi had a novella that kicked off the Moo U Hockey world. Their story was short and sweet. The beginnings of their potential relationship. But now we get the full story. That novella was in this book, but a lot more information was added and it continued past where that novella left off. And I gotta say, I'm super glad it did! Weston and Abbi are such great characters and when we first met them I definitely wanted to know more. So Abbi is a waitress at a popular wing place the hockey team goes to a lot. She has always had a crush on Weston but he is known as being a guy that is basically allergic to relationships. Plus with her intense work and school hours, Abbi really has never had time to do anything fun. She has to work hard to finish off school and get a job so that she can afford to live on her own. Her own family is her step-father and his new wife and the creepy step-step brother. Her mom died a few years earlier and she never knew her dad. But when Weston posts an ad about offering to be a fake boyfriend for someone on Thanksgiving, she takes it. Not just because of her crush for Weston, but she needs a buffer against the jerk step-step brother. Weston has been avoiding his own home for holidays since his parents split. The anger there is just not worth it and has made him sworn off relationships. But when Abbi messages him with an offer for Thanksgiving, he takes it. And he is glad because he realizes Abbi is the attractive waitress he likes. Their fake relationship turns to real friendship over time. To the point where Weston asks Abbi to be his fake date for Christmas. Eventually the two realize they could have something a bit more real. But the official relationship? Well, it'll take a bit before the two of them will admit they want something more. Loved their story! I couldn't put it down. Their chemistry was fantastic. The humor as always is great in Sarina's books and you just can't help but love the characters she creates. Such a great addition to this series. And again, so glad she gave them a full story!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Off-Campus Book 5: The Legacy by Elle Kennedy

The Legacy (Off-Campus, #5)
Off-Campus Book 5

Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation…

A wedding.
A proposal.
An elopement.
And a surprise pregnancy.

Can you guess which couple is which?

Come for the drama, stay for the laughs! Catch up with your favorite Off-Campus characters as they navigate the changes that come with growing up and discover that big decisions can have big consequences…and big rewards.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

So nice to dive back into the Off-Campus world one last time! We get to see our original characters from that first part of that world once more and what they are up to now. Though these are 4 novellas, I recommend reading them in order and not skipping to your favorite pairing. They definitely build off one another. So the book starts off with Logan and Grace. Their story was actually released last year in a special but for me re-reading was a treat! Logan and Grace are feeling the distance between them due to the demand of a hockey player's schedule. Though they both know that they are forever, perhaps they need to find the time to be together and have adventures. In their attempt to take an adventure, it may not go down exactly how they planned when a blizzard hits and they are trapped in their car for severals hours. But in the end, we get a wonderful surprise for them! Then, the story switches to Dean and Allie. The two are heading over to Tucker and Sabrina's wedding and Allie is realizing that Dean may want to propose. And soon. But that isn't on her agenda just yet. She has a plan. And she should stick with it...right? And for Dean, he knows what he wants and knows Allie is it for him. Can he get her onboard? Then the story switches to Tucker and Sabrina as they adventure to their honeymoon after their big wedding. Both are such hard workers and this is the first time they actually get a chance to be alone. No work and no caring for their three-year-old. But vacation isn't exactly a paradise when one bad luck thing occurs after another. Can they save their trip and get the downtime they need? Then there is Hannah and Garrett. Garrett's father makes an appearance, challenging Garrett to finally make a decision about the secret of his father abusing him as a kid. Is it time to reveal all? And as for Hannah, she has a special surprise for Garrett and keeps losing her nerve to tell him. But with so much going on, can she find the right moment? Loved their stories! Loved seeing where they all were now. Amazing characters and cameos from the other stories in this universe. It was so nice to go back into this world for a final time. If you loved these books, this one won't disappoint!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Mad World Series Book 1: Mad World by Hannah McBride

Mad World (Mad World, #1)
Mad World Book 1

I'm Madison.
I spent the last seventeen years in a trailer with my mom as she rolled from one addiction to the next. All I wanted was to survive high school and get out of this place. Finding out I had a long lost twin sister on the other side of the country seemed like something out of a movie.

Too bad I didn't realize it was a horror movie.

Now I'm Madelaine.
We were only supposed to switch lives for a summer. But then the unthinkable happened and now I have the chance to be my twin for the rest of my life. I get the fancy house, the rich father, and the elite school.

But all of those things come with a price I don't think I can afford.

Maybe taking over my dead twin sister's life isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

Mad World is the first book in a new series by Hannah McBride . It contains dark themes (including bullying) that may be triggering for some readers.

My Review: 5/5 Stars

Holy moly was that an intense rollercoaster ride. And that cliffhanger!! Not cool!!!! I need the next book asap. WOW! So after reading the plot about this book, my mind was thinking of a bunch of different possibilities of how this story could go down. And right from the get go I threw away all of them. Every time I thought, oh maybe this will happen—nope! How about—nope! I had to stop guessing because there is no way to truly plot this book out. The twists and turns were phenomenal. 

So let's break it down a bit, and give no spoilers, because this is one book you truly don't want any. The story follows Maddie, a 17 year old who just wants to make it through high school and get out of her crappy situation. Her mother is an addict who can't keep herself together, so Maddie has had to raise herself and keep a roof over their heads. She works very hard at her jobs and at school in the hopes of getting enough money and scholarships to go to college. She never expects that an end of school year project will lead to such a revelation. Turns out there is someone out there who looks exactly like her. Her twin sister. Floored, she reaches out but after weeks of nothing she gives up. That is, until Madelaine shows up. Madelaine offers Maddie a deal. Switch places with her for the summer and she'll make sure their mom is back in rehab and she'll give financial support to Maddie for school. Despite the flaws in the plan Maddie brings up, she ends up taking the deal. Two months of a relaxing summer, Maddie gets ready to switch back but Madelaine never calls her back. Next thing Maddie knows she finds herself put in an awful position. Another deal is made. This time it leave her attending a new school as Madelaine. Madelaine who left out important details. Like the fact that she blew up her social life in the most horrifying of ways, that she has a fiancé who hates her guts, and that her home life way worse than she let on. She'll have to last the year before she can get her freedom back. Or can she even do that in the type of world she has landed in? The world of the wealthy who crave power and money beyond anything else and will do anything to get it?

Absolutely insane. This story definitely kept me on my toes. And while Maddie is dealing with the aftermath of Madelaine's bad choices there is one person who seems to draw Maddie in. The fiancĂ©: Ryan. Ryan is, well, an alpha a-hole. But of course has that side to him that actually cares. Though his protective instincts are pretty intense, they are at the same time very sweet. It will take a bit for Maddie to see the side of him that proves he can be the good guy. And despite some of jerk things Ryan does, you can't help but love him. Their romance is both intense and sweet. And complicated. And one of the best parts about Maddie is that she is nothing like her manipulative and awfully mean sister. She's a genuinely nice person but who has a spine of steel. She doesn't back down and will have your back. In her own way, she is a type of alpha too. There is something about them that has you rooting for them. 

And that ending!!!! UGH!! Such a mean cliffhanger. I demand the next book asap because how can I move on when everything went down that way. I need more!! Such an intense ending in many more ways than one. And I have no idea how anyone is going to recover after that. It will take a lot to build back what was destroyed. Ughhhh this is gonna be such a painful wait until the next book. But absolutely brilliant! Check out this amazing book!! 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Hidden King Book 3: Dragon Queen by Jen L. Grey

Dragon Queen (The Hidden King, #3)
The Hidden King Book 3

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

My world has spiraled out of control, but finding my fated mate has brought some clarity.

I soon learn I’ve been part of this strange world for a lot longer than I’ve ever known, which rocks my very foundation.

Add in the fact that the fae dragon king wants Egan and me dead so he can rule both realms -- causing death and destruction at every turn.

No matter what we do, we fall into one trap after another.

However, we refuse to lie down because there’s so much more at stake than what meets the eye. We will protect the thunders … even if it kills us.

If you can't get enough of books by Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, K.F. Breene, Kelly St. Claire, Shannon Mayer, Leia Stone, and Jaymin Eve, then you'll love this paranormal romance.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

The final book in the series and it was great! The story picks up immediately where it left off. The stakes are raised in this story for Jade and Egan. Their thunder needs to relocate and now the true enemy reveals himself. They must end this fight against the fae dragon king once and for all. Lots of reveals in this story! And I definitely don't want to spoil anything. But we get a lot of closure for questions we may have had. The character growth for Jade and Egan was fantastic. Lots of surprising twists and turns that were both shocking and actually delightful. This world of characters I really loved and enjoyed getting to know. They were such a great and interesting cast and I'm sad their stories are done. But truly a great conclusion to this series. Lots of action, romance, humor, and so much more. You don't want to miss this final book!

Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer

Defy the Night (Defy the Night, #1)

From New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer comes a blockbuster fantasy series about a kingdom divided by corruption, the prince desperately holding it together, and the girl who will risk everything to bring it crashing down.

The kingdom of Kandala is on the brink of disaster. Rifts between sectors have only worsened since a sickness began ravaging the land, and within the Royal Palace, the king holds a tenuous peace with a ruthless hand.

King Harristan was thrust into power after his parents' shocking assassination, leaving the younger Prince Corrick to take on the brutal role of the King's Justice. The brothers have learned to react mercilessly to any sign of rebellion--it's the only way to maintain order when the sickness can strike anywhere, and the only known cure, an elixir made from delicate Moonflower petals, is severely limited.

Out in the Wilds, apothecary apprentice Tessa Cade is tired of seeing her neighbors die, their suffering ignored by the unyielding royals. Every night, she and her best friend Wes risk their lives to steal Moonflower petals and distribute the elixir to those who need it most--but it's still not enough.

As rumors spread that the cure no longer works and sparks of rebellion begin to flare, a particularly cruel act from the King's Justice makes Tessa desperate enough to try the impossible: sneaking into the palace. But what she finds upon her arrival makes her wonder if it's even possible to fix Kandala without destroying it first.

Set in a richly imaginative world with striking similarities to our own, Brigid Kemmerer's captivating new series is about those with power and those without . . . and what happens when someone is brave enough to imagine a new future.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

Loved this one! Brigid Kemmerer has yet to disappoint me with her books. A new fantasy romance YA that ha some of her most interesting characters. In the kingdom of Kandala, the people are riddled with an illness that has no real cure. The only thing that helps is an elixir made with from the petals of a Moonflower. Tessa and her friend Wes risk their lives each night to distribute the elixir to those who need it. Yet their efforts are never truly enough. The King and the consuls are in constant battles with one another and the King and his Justice do all they can do appeal to those consuls, help their people, and squash a rebellion that threatens to collapse everything. While Tessa is one point of view in the story the other comes from Prince Corrick, the King's Justice. Or better known has the executioner and the one who is constantly trying to rid those who threaten to cause chaos. Nothing about Corrick is simple. He is a complicated man filled with secrets. But when it comes to protecting his brother, the King, he will do whatever he can. One of the things I loved about this story is that it showed there is nothing simple about each side. From the Tessa's side, the king and prince are cruel. They don't help the people and they only kill those in their way. But from Corrick's, he and his brother have been forced to show no weakness. They were thrust on the throne when their parents were assassinated in front of them and the only way to keep control was to show no fear. But they want to save their people and there is no simple way to do it. On top of having so many great characters, there are some pretty wild twists and turns. Masks and secrets are constantly in play. Truly loved this story and I was hooked from page one. I think another one should be following this story and I hope so! I'm not ready to say goodbye to this world just yet. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Inheritance Games Book 2: The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Hawthorne Legacy (The Inheritance Games, #2)
The Inheritance Games Book 2

Intrigue, riches, and romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Inheritance Games perfect for fans of Karen McManus and Holly Jackson.

The Inheritance Games ended with a bombshell, and now heiress Avery Grambs has to pick up the pieces and find the man who might hold the answers to all of her questions - including why Tobias Hawthorne left his entire fortune to Avery, a virtual stranger, rather than to his own daughters or grandsons.

Thanks to a DNA test, Avery knows that she's not a Hawthorne by blood, but clues pile up hinting at a deeper connection to the family than she had ever imagined. As the mystery grows and the plot thickens, Grayson and Jameson, the enigmatic and magnetic Hawthorne grandsons, continue to pull Avery in different directions. And there are threats lurking around every corner, as adversaries emerge who will stop at nothing to see Avery out of the picture - by any means necessary.

With nonstop action, aspirational jet-setting, family intrigue, swoonworthy romance, and billions of dollars hanging in the balance, The Hawthorne Legacy will thrill Jennifer Lynn Barnes fans and new readers alike.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

I don't know how Jennifer Lynn Barnes does it. Every single book I have read by her has captured me right from the beginning. Then I find myself not putting it down until the book is done. Absolutely amazing. Yet another fantastic mystery from this author. So many puzzles to solve and mysteries to unfold. You can guess and guess and just when you think you solved it, there is a twist that tells you otherwise. Brilliant. And I loved the first book in this series and couldn't wait to read this one and I was not disappointed. We pick up shortly where we left off. Avery's discovery at the very end of the book puts her and the Hawthorne boys in basically part two of the game their grandfather left them. Avery has to follow the clues to find the missing Hawthorne, someone she may have known from her past, and figure out what it all means. She wondered why she was picked to inherit and she may finally get her answers. On top of that, someone is once again after Avery and looking to harm her. Poor Avery never gets a break. I can't say too much without spoiling, but if you liked this previous book then this one won't disappoint you. The mysteries, puzzles, and secrets only get better. The plot twists even crazier. And I learned there is one more book after this!! And with so much revelations in this book, I can only wonder what can possibly be next for Avery, Grayson, Jameson, and Xander. Can't wait!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Last Legacy by Adrienne Young

The Last Legacy

New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with The Last Legacy, a captivating standalone about family and blood ties, reinventing yourself, and controlling your own destiny.

When a letter from her uncle Henrik arrives on Bryn Roth's eighteenth birthday, summoning her back to Bastian, Bryn is eager to prove herself and finally take her place in her long-lost family.

Henrik has plans for Bryn, but she must win everyone’s trust if she wants to hold any power in the delicate architecture of the family. It doesn’t take long for her to see that the Roths are entangled in shadows. Despite their growing influence in upscale Bastian, their hands are still in the kind of dirty business that got Bryn’s parents killed years ago. With a forbidden romance to contend with and dangerous work ahead, the cost of being accepted into the Roths may be more than Bryn can pay.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

If you read Fable and Namesake, you definitely want to check this book out! (And I would suggest reading those before this one since they technically take place before and you will have a lot better understanding of the world and even the Roth family.) Set in the same world, we follow a Roth we have not yet met before: Bryn. She returns to Bastian after her eighteenth birthday to join the rest of her family after being brought up by her great-aunt. Though Bryn has heard the tales of her well known family and has been taught important skills to take her place, she is still unprepared for what that truly means. The Roth family as we have seen before has its secrets and influence and own sort of power. But there is still one thing the family, or really Henrik, wants. A guild ring. He is almost there but he will need Bryn to get him through the final hoops. As Bryn tries to prove herself she can't help but be pulled to Ezra, the silversmith and the only one in the household who is not a Roth. He was taken in by Henrik when he was a child after discovering his skill as a silversmith and has been there ever since. Like the stories before this one, there are plenty of twists and turns, secrets and lies, and bargains that you won't see coming. Everyone is playing a game and no one wants to lose. Bryn learns quickly that the best way to survive is to look at for herself but can she truly do that when she comes to care for some who her under the same roof? She'll have to truly become a Roth to forge and save her own future. I really loved this story. It was quite the insight to the mysterious Roth family. We saw glimpses of them in the previous books but now we get a more inside look and they are just as complicated as we previously saw them. Great follow up story in this world!