Friday, December 21, 2018

The Geography of Lost Things by Jessica Brody

The Geography of Lost Things

In this romantic road trip story perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen and Morgan Matson, a teen girl discovers the value of ordinary objects while learning to forgive her absent father.

After Ali’s father passes away, he leaves his one and only prized possession—a 1968 Firebird convertible—to his daughter. But Ali doesn’t plan on keeping it. Not when it reminds her too much of all her father’s unfulfilled promises. So when she finds a buyer three hundred miles up the Pacific coast willing to pay enough money for the car to save her childhood home, Ali can’t wait to get going. Except Ali has no idea how to drive a stick shift. But guess who does?

Ali’s ex-boyfriend, Nico. And Nico has other plans.

He persuades Ali that instead of selling the car, they should “trade up” the items they collect on their trip to eventually reach the monetary amount Ali needs. Agreeing with Nico’s crazy plan, Ali sets off on a unique adventure that is unlike anything she ever could have expected.

And it’s through Ali’s travels, through the strangers she meets and the things that they value—and why they value them—that Ali eventually comes to understand her father and how his life may not have been as easy and carefree as she previously thought. Because just like the seemingly insignificant objects Ali collects, not everything is exactly as it appears.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

A fun, quirky, romantic, and even emotional book that had me craving for a road trip on the west coast! Though I will admit the road  trip is something I always wanted to do, reading this book just reminded that I need to finally make the plans and just do it, because there are adventures out there waiting for me! Really enjoyed this book. Ali and Nico are such awesome relatable characters. They find themselves on this road trip together to initially sell Ali's dad's car, but the trip takes many different twists and turns. And soon it isn't just about raising the money to save Ali's house, but it's one to break down the walls they keep around themselves and find their way back to one another. Ali learns important things about herself on the trip the more they travel. Really great story to read and important lessons scattered throughout. 

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