Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Wires and Nerves Volume 2: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer

Gone Rogue (Wires and Nerve, #2)
Spin off of The Lunar Chronicles: Wires and Nerve Volume 2

Iko – an audacious android and best friend to the Lunar Queen Cinder – has been tasked with hunting down Alpha Lysander Steele, the leader of a rogue band of bioengineered wolf-soldiers who threaten to undo the tenuous peace agreement between Earth and Luna. Unless Cinder can reverse the mutations that were forced on them years before, Steele and his soldiers plan to satisfy their monstrous appetites with a massacre of the innocent people of Earth.

And to show he’s serious, Steele is taking hostages.

Cinder and Kai, Scarlet and Wolf, Cress and Thorne, and Winter and Jacin all feature in this epic new battle. But it is Iko who must face her deepest fears when she uncovers the truth about her own unusual programming.



My Review: 5/5 Stars 

I loved the Lunar Chronicles and when Marissa Meyer announced a graphic novel spin-off featuring Iko, I was beyond excited!! Wires and Nerve Volume 1, was awesome! Action packed and we had back all our favorite characters. The series even started where it left off. Check out what the characters are currently doing and that just because the war has ended and Levana is gone, doesn't mean peace comes that easily. Gone Rogue, continues with Iko's mission of finding and stopping the rogue wolves. With the help of Kinney and the rest of the gang, they bring down the Alpha wolf once and for all.

One of the greatest parts of this book was the character development of Kinney. Kinney never understood how everyone could see Iko beyond being an android. He finally stops being hard headed and really looks at Iko and those who love her. With some crazy action packed moments and twists, Kinney sees past the fact that she is an android and that she has more human in her than anyone. 

We also get a little bit more of the origin of Iko and how she was first brought and created by Garan's (Cinder's adopted father). And more reunions with the gang. Finally, a proper Cinder and Kai reunion that was so typically awkward and them that is was of course perfect and swoon worthy. The book does a good job of showing how just because you stopped the bad guy doesn't mean all is well. There are problems on Luna, problems on Earth, the rogue wolves. A hero's day is never done. But the ending is worth it and we see where our beloved characters are headed before we get to the final story in Stars Above. 

Though this seems like the official end to the Lunar Chronicles, part of me hopes it isn't. There are just too many great characters and the universe Marissa Meyer created is just too brilliant to leave it at that. I'd be happy with more graphic novels if that's all that comes. But I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

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