Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Offsides Book 2: Square to the Puck by JJ Mulder


Offsides Book 2

Corwin Sanhover could almost convince himself that the night six years ago didn’t happen. But when Nigel St. James is traded to South Carolina, it becomes a lot harder to keep their history in the past.

Nigel St. James can’t imagine a team he’d like to play for less than South Carolina, and he knows Corwin probably feels the same. But when things between them become friendly, it’s clear that they both still want each other now, the same as they did back then. Is it possible to start fresh and build a relationship, or are some things—and people—better left in the past?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Corwin has been hiding who he is for a long time. And you can’t blame him considering how his father reacted to realizing his son liked men. Corwin learned young to never let anyone in on that side of him. And he would never risk it. But at eighteen he took a risk…though he panicked and ran. For six years he thought he could forget it. But then Nigel is traded to his team and Corwin knows he is in trouble. Because the feelings that Nigel stirred for him haven’t gone away with time. And this time, he has no where to run. Nigel has spent the last six years feeling guilty over what happened between him and Corwin. He just wants a chance to apologize. When they finally clear the air, they begin to become friends. But it is clear that they could never be just friends. And when Corwin takes the small step to be something more, Nigel is so patient. Because what he wants more than anything is just to be with Corwin in any shape or form. He knew back then and he knows now, that Corwin could easily be his if he let him. I really loved these two. Corwin has always been this strong figure and it was nice to see just how vulnerable he is. And for him to find someone that could slowly break him out of his shell. He deserves happiness and he is finally letting himself have it. And Nigel is so used to not belonging anywhere and being traded all the time, but with Corwin he has finally found a home. Adored these two! And I can’t wait to jump into the next one.

Offsides Book 1: Changing the Game by JJ Mulder


Offsides Book 1

Former college hockey player, Sam Jameson, is coming off of a bad summer. After the derailment of his hockey dreams, and a nasty breakup with his girlfriend, he's ready to put his head down and work hard for the South Carolina NHL team. He doesn't count on Troy Nichols, though.

Troy, star forward for the team, is unexpected in more ways than one. And when sparks fly between the pair, there seems little sense in holding back. Can they make it work, or is this little more than a rebound?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Sam hasn’t had a great summer. His dream of playing professional hockey is gone and he had a bad break up with his ex-girlfriend. Who won’t take the hint that him ignoring her calls means he doesn’t want to talk to her. So he heads to South Carolina on an internship to work for their NHL team in hopes of a fresh start. But he could never imagine the feelings that spark when he mets Troy. He has never been attracted to a guy before, but there is something so special and sweet about Troy that draws Sam to him. And it’s only a matter of time before he can keep that kind of feeling in. Troy is a sweet hockey player who has an endless amount of energy. He hasn’t been lucky in love and doesn’t love the hook up life. But when he meets Sam, he is smitten. So smitten, he thinks it is a good idea to offer Sam his spare bedroom so that Sam doesn’t have to live out of a hotel. Being roommates with Sam is great but the sparks between them are flying more and more. And Troy can’t help but wonder if Sam feels it too. These two were so adorable! I loved how easily Sam accepted this part of himself. It was so natural to him because it was exactly that. He liked Troy and wanted to be with him. Simple as that. Troy was sweet and patient and endlessly blushing. And of course the dimples! Sam knew he had no chance but to just fall. Really fun and sweet story. Loved all these characters and I am looking forward to the next book.

Cover Reveal! It’s Complicated

The Revenge Agenda
It's Complicated Book Cover


Legacy Mechanics - Book Two

by Willow Dixon

Cover & Excerpt Reveal

Release Date: November 14, 2024

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design

Photo: Michelle Lancaster

Model: Andy Murray

Genre: M/M Romance Standalone

Trope: Double bi-awakening, best friends to lovers, roommates, found family, hurt/comfort, big Golden Retriever energy, exhibitionism



For three years Jamie has been my best friend, my roommate, and my wingman. We do everything together, and we live by one simple rule: work hard and play harder. Everything was perfect until what was supposed to be a meaningless threesome between friends changes everything.

Now I can’t stop thinking about that night, and how I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I want Jamie, even if I don’t understand why. We might both be straight, but I can’t ignore the pull between us.

I don’t want to risk losing him, but I can’t keep pretending like nothing happened. And the more time that passes, the more I wonder if he feels the shift between us too.


Isaac isn’t just my best friend and roommate, he’s the person I trust most in the world. We’ve been inseparable for three years, and we’re rock solid. Then a mutual ex of ours suggests we have a threesome, and what should have been a fun experiment between friends sends my life into a tailspin.

Now I’m seeing Isaac in a new light. I want him, and I don’t understand why. I try to ignore it so I don’t risk ruining the best friendship I’ve ever had, but that night awakened something in me, and the more time that passes, the more I think it also awakened something in him.

We might both be straight, but that doesn’t stop me from picturing my best friend on his knees for me. Or remembering how he looks when he comes.

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“We’re both trying to figure out if we’re into guys, right?”

Jamie nodded.

“The easiest way to do that would be to go pick up some guys and see if we like hooking up with them.”

His eyes narrowed into a glare. “I don’t like that idea.”

“Me either,” I smiled. The possessive caveman thing was hot. “It makes more sense to experiment together, right?”

His glare melted away and was replaced by a look of pure hunger as he looked me up and down elevator-style.

My chest and neck flushed hot. Jesus, that look was doing things to me it had no business doing.

“You want to?”

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

This was either the best idea I’d ever had or the worst.

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Okay.”

We stared at each other for a few beats, then burst out laughing.

“This is so weird.”

“So weird,” I agreed with a grin.

“I have no idea how to do this.” Jamie shot me a crooked smile. “I feel like I’m sixteen again and trying to figure out how to kiss my homecoming date.”

“I can show you what I did to get my date to kiss me,” I said, tossing a smirk at him. “See if it works on you.”

“Okay.” He squared his shoulders like he was prepping for a duel. “Show me teenage Isaac’s moves.”

I stepped right up to him, stopping when our chests were almost close enough to touch, but not quite.

His breath caught.

Slowly, I lifted my hand and tipped his chin up the slightest bit, tilting it ever so gently to the side, like I was lining him up for a kiss. Leaning in, I stopped when our lips were a few inches apart.

“There,” I said, my voice husky and a bit rough as I traced my gaze over his lips before looking into his eyes. “That’s perfect.”

“Perfect?” he asked, his cheeks flushing pink.

“This is how you’re going to look when I kiss you later,” I murmured. “And you look perfect.”

“Jesus.” Jamie blinked a few times. “How the fuck were you so suave at sixteen? I once asked a girl if she liked cheese because I couldn’t think of a better icebreaker.”

I huffed out a laugh. “Cheese? How did that work out for ya?”

“Not great.” He grinned. “She was lactose intolerant.”

“Of course she was.” My eyes fell to his mouth again. “My homecoming date threw herself into my arms after that line, FYI.”

With a wicked grin, Jamie closed the distance between us, his lips pressing against mine in a hot kiss.

It was so different from the first time he kissed me, and his confidence, not to mention his skill, had me moaning into his mouth in no time.

“I definitely like kissing you,” he mumbled between kisses.

I fisted my hands in his shirt and yanked him against me. “Yeah?”

He nodded, then sealed his mouth over mine again in another blistering kiss.

I’d never kissed anyone like this before. The passion and intensity were new, but it was how rough we were being, how he wasn’t careful as he crushed me against him, that made my head spin.

I’d never been that aggressive when it came to sex. I was usually the one who started things and had no problem making the first move, but I wasn’t that guy who tossed girls around or left them breathless from my kisses.

But with Jamie, it was completely different. His strength was a massive turn-on, so was being manhandled by him.

Everything about the kiss was perfect, and I didn’t bother tempering my moans or reactions. I wanted him to know how much I was enjoying it. How much I wanted him.

“Z,” he whispered against my lips, pausing the onslaught of kisses.

I was about to ask if he was okay when he pressed the palm of his hand against my stomach.

I froze, waiting to see what he would do next.

Slowly, he slid his hand down until the bottom of his palm brushed against my cock.

That feather-light touch sent a jolt of electricity through me, lighting me up from the inside.

“Jamie,” I said on a low moan.

“Is that okay?”

“Yeah. You can do whatever you want to me.”

“Whatever I want?” He smirk-smiled.

I nodded.

“What if I want to do this?” He slid his hand lower and pressed his palm against my length.

I bucked into his touch, my entire body on fire.

Holy shit. Jamie was touching my dick.

“That’s good,” I managed, my voice as wrecked as I felt.

“What about this?” He gripped me, squeezing gently.

The zing of pleasure that shot through me was so strong it felt like I’d been hit with a cattle prod. “Jesus. Yeah. That’s good too.”

He chuckled, the sound throaty and affectionate. “This isn’t weird.”

“That’s good.” I resisted the urge to drag my cock through his fist. “’Cause it feels fucking amazing.”

“Yeah?” He smiled like I just told him he’d done a good job on his homework.


He stroked me a few times. It was awkward trying to do it over my clothes, but the contact was incredible—and not nearly enough.

“Remember how you said you fantasized about me sucking your dick?” I asked, or rather, rasped, through my dry throat.

His pupils dilated. “You want to hear about that?”

“Oh yeah.” I pressed against his hand, unable to help it.

He squeezed my length. “The first time it happened was when I was in the shower.”

The first time? I tucked that away for future reference.

“I was jerking off, and I was trying to keep my mind blank and not think about anything.” He didn’t look away, but I could see he was embarrassed. “But just before I came, I saw you on your knees for me.”

Gently, I pushed his hand away from my dick.

He shot me a surprised look, but before he could get in his head about things, I sank to my knees. “Like this?”

“Z?” He stared down at me, his expression an adorable mix of hopeful and shy.

“Is this what you saw?”

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Legacy Mechanics - Book One

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About the Author

What can I say about myself? It’s kind of like being the new kid in school and being asked to tell everyone a bit about yourself. Anyone else forget everything they’ve ever liked, thought of, and even their name in those moments?

A few facts about me; I’m a veteran, I’m Canadian, and I love books! I’ve been writing my own stories since I was eight and wrote my first novel at sixteen. I’m the first to admit those attempts weren’t my best work, but they started me on a journey of creating stories that has led me to fulfilling my dream of becoming an author. I’ve written and published in several genres under different names, but MM is by far my favorite, and I’m so happy to be able to share my stories with people today.

I currently live on Canada’s east coast with my kiddo and my cats. I have a shoe collecting addiction, and I enjoy taking long walks, discussions with friends, and reading anything and everything I can get my hands on.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book 7: Wrath of the Triple Goddess by Rick Riordan


Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book 7

Percy Jackson, now a high school senior, needs three recommendation letters from the Greek gods in order to get into New Rome University. He earned his first one by retrieving Ganymede’s chalice. Now the goddess Hecate has offered Percy another “opportunity”—all he has to do is pet sit her mastiff, Hecuba, and her polecat, Gale, over Halloween week while she is away. Piece of cake, right?

Percy, Annabeth, and Grover settle into Hecate’s seemingly endless mansion and start getting acquainted with the fussy, terrifying animals. The trio has been warned not to touch anything, but while Percy and Annabeth are out at school, Grover can’t resist drinking a strawberry-flavored potion in the laboratory. It turns him into a giant frenzied goat, and after he rampages through the house, damaging everything in sight, and passes out, Hecuba and Gale escape. Now the friends have to find Hecate’s pets and somehow restore the house, all before Hecate gets back on Saturday. It’s going to take luck, demigod wiles, and some old and new friends to hunt down the animals and set things right again.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It’s so nice to fall back into the Percy Jackson world. Filled with laughter, adventure, and lots of mythology. Percy has a new assignment to get his second recommendation letter in order to get into New Rome University. It’s Halloween time, so there is only one goddess who could make suggest a request. Hecate. The goddess of sorcery and witches, she has a special task for Percy. Pet sitting. Yep, the all powerful and terrifying guidance needs a house and petsitter while she travels around the world to celebrate her holiday. Should be easy enough to watch a hellhound and a polecat. But nothing is ever easy when Percy gets involved. Even with the help of Annabeth and Grover. When Hecuba and Gale escape while Percy and Annabeth are at school, they will all have to work together to find the missing pets before Hecate gets back. As always, I adore any Percy Jackson story. You will laugh the entire way through, learn lots of Greek mythology, and watch how far Percy has come since book one. He’s grown up a lot and it shows. There is something so special about this series that you just get sucked right into the story and won’t be able to put the book down until you are done. This was definitely a fun one of the series and perfect for the Halloween season!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Hockey Rules Book 1: Never Accidentally Marry Your Teammate by Portia Blake


Hockey Rules Book 1

I might have a reputation for partying, but I’ve outdone myself. After drunkenly proposing to my new teammate, Noah, during a wild night out in Vegas, I wake up with a ring on my finger, a husband by my side, and a colossal PR nightmare.
The team’s management is furious, and the only way to salvage our careers is to pretend the marriage was intentional. Noah plays along like a pro, and I move him into my Boston penthouse. He just got called up from the AHL, and I might cost him everything.
We’re stuck together for at least a year, navigating public appearances, playing hockey, and living together. In fact, this so doesn’t feel like pretend. But obviously, that’s we’re both straight. Aren’t we?


My Review: 4/5 Stars

When Noah’s dreams of being called up to the NHL, he thinks this is it. Especially when the team has someone he looks up to on it. Finn. But his start isn’t so great. Not when his teammates throw a party for him and one drinks causes him to be sick the next day on game day where he plays horribly. Things can’t get worse right? Finn feels terrible. He knows it is his fault that Noah was hungover. And the thing is, he really likes Noah. So his protective instincts come out and eventually leads them to another mistake. Getting a little too drunk in Vegas and getting married. But they can fix this, they just have to…well turns out they aren’t quick enough. And telling the truth is out of reach after everything that has happened. They’ll pay the happy couple for a year then divorce. Simple. But then feelings start to rise between the two. And they are learning about more about themselves than they ever thought could happen. For Noah, he has to start admitting to himself that he may have always liked men, but growing up where he was didn’t exactly give him a safe place to find out for sure. But what he has always felt toward Finn? It was definitely a crush and now it’s something more. But he worries that Finn won’t ever feel it toward him. Finn may have never found a guy to turn his head but Noah certainly has. And that’s fine with him. Because the more time he spends with Noah, the more he falls. But will Noah believe him if he admits this feels real? These two killed me on their communication! You just want to tell them to admit how they really feel toward one another and be happy! Because as a couple, they were adorable and just so sweet. A fun story to read and I’m looking forward to the next one!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Hockey Rules Book 0.5: Never Crush on the Captain by Portia Blake


Hockey Rules Book 0.5


The unwritten rule in hockey? Never crush on the captain.
Too bad I’m failing at that.
Single dad Evan McAllister is our adored team captain, attractive, and my all-around amazing former best friend. Oh, he’s straight too. That’s less of a positive for me. I’ve been distancing myself to smother my feelings, but that’s only confused him and totally hasn’t worked.
When a concussion leaves Evan needing care, I step in to help him and his daughter Stella. Evan’s not thrilled with me barging back into his life after I ghosted him, and the more we’re thrust into intimate circumstances, the harder it is for me to keep from blurting my secret.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Vinnie has been in love with his best friend, and hockey captain, for a while now. But knowing that his best friend will never feel the same, becomes too painful. So he felt he had no choice but to pull away. Evan doesn’t know what he did to cause Vinnie to stop hanging out with him. But he does miss his best friend underneath the bit of anger still lurking. And when Evan gets a bad concussion on the ice, Vinnie can’t help but volunteer to take care of him and his daughter, Stella. Because even if it hurts to be near Evan, he still can’t help but want to protect him and care for him. Their time together begins opening Evan’s eyes to how he sees his former best friend. That there is a connection to him that is deeper than just friendship. And when Vinnie finally admits the truth to him, Evan knows what has been missing. But will they be brave enough to truly open themselves up to one another? And the world? These two were very sweet. This was a great way to kick off this series. It’s clearly how much they mean to one another and you are just waiting for them to take that leap of faith. I think this is going to be a fun series!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

King Sports Book 1: The Backup Plan by Eden Finley


King Sports Book 1


Failing to make it in pro ball left me absolutely devastated. Baseball has been my life, my dream, but it’s time to move on.

Becoming a sports agent was always my backup plan, and now that I’m interning at the biggest queer-focused firm in the country, I’m doing my best not to let my bitterness toward baseball affect my future.

That’s really difficult when I’m assigned to babysit Kelley Afton, hotshot rookie pitcher for Philly. He has everything I ever wanted, and he doesn’t even appreciate it. I didn’t become an agent so I could soothe the ego of diva athletes.

His constant need for validation from others frustrates me to no end, but that’s probably a good thing. Because if he didn’t have that, I’d find him irresistibly my type.

Attraction could lead to crossing lines which would put my position at King Sports in jeopardy, and I can’t have that.

I don’t have a backup for my backup plan.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Thad has only ever had one goal. To play pro in baseball. But when he realizes that his dream isn’t going to come true, he knows it’s time for his backup plan. Becoming a sports agent. He knows this opportunity at King Sports is one he should be grateful for. But the bitterness of losing the dream is hard to deal with when he watches others succeed. Like Kelley. The hotshot rookie player seems to have it all. So when Thad and his fellow intern Brady are asked to babysit Kelley for two weeks to keep him off social media, he can’t help but feel like he is wasting his time with a spoiled kid. But he soon realizes just how much he has let his anger blind him. Kelley deals with a lot of anxiety and it’s hard to maintain it when it feels like he is getting attacked on social media after coming out. And though he doesn’t get Thad’s attitude toward him, they eventually come to an understanding. But things don’t end there because in burying the hatchet, they are left to acknowledge the attraction between them and just how much they have in common. Sparks fly. And they know that Thad’s future could be in jeopardy if they continue to see one another as more than friends. But can they do that when it is clear they are falling hard fast for one another? It’s finally the King Sports era! So glad to be back in this world with so many favorite characters like Damon and Brady. I remember Thad and Kelley from Brady’s book, so I’m glad to see we finally get their story. A fun story for sure and one I couldn’t put down! I loved their dynamic and how they changed and helped one another as they fell in love. Great story and I can’t wait for more!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.